Urban Agriculture: A Tool for Sustainability

Urban Agriculture Food Cooperatives Community Gardens Vertical GardenPhoto by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Urban agriculture is steadily growing in popularity.

Ranging from community gardens to food cooperatives to vertical greenhouses, urban agriculture’s popularity stems from its ability to build community capacity, create local businesses and jobs, provide health benefits, strengthen rural-urban relations, support social movements, and contribute to local food security.

Outlined below are three urban agriculture initiatives that play an important role in reshaping community food systems. All three are sharp-edged arrows in the sustainability quiver:

Oshkosh Food Co-op

In November 2019, the Oshkosh Food Co-op launched a $1.6 million capital campaign to open a grocery store in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Their campaign obtained pledges and gifts through member-owned loans, donations, grants, and developer/vendor support to achieve its fundraising goal in four months. The co-op is now in a position to construct a thriving, full-service grocery store in the heart of Oshkosh.

The Oshkosh Food Co-op plans to locate on the southwest corner of Jackson Street and Pearl Avenue in the Brio Building — the first of three projects planned by Merge Urban Development in the Marion Road District Opportunity Zone. The site was selected for its high visibility; easy access for bus riders, pedestrians, bikers, and boaters; and plentiful parking. The location is also classified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a “food desert.” Generally speaking, these are places where residents do not have ready access to healthy and affordable foods. The Food Co-op will lease 10,000 square feet on the first level, using 6,500 square feet and subleasing the remaining space. Groundbreaking is scheduled for Spring 2020.

Food Co-Op Initiative Development Model

To ensure success, the Oshkosh Food Cooperative is adhering to the Food Co-op Initiative’s Development Model (4 in 3). The development model provides a structure for planning and organizing the process of creating a new food co-op. The model’s four cornerstones are: Vision, Capital, Talent, and Systems. The cornerstones encompass the three stages of food co-op development: Organizing, Feasibility and Planning, and Implementation. Building the grocery store, hiring staff, and satisfying owner/member needs will be the first order of business for the immediate future.

Once open, the co-op will provide a year-round market for local farmers. The grocery store plans to source approximately 20% of its produce and goods from Northeast Wisconsin.

TigerMountain Foundation

The TigerMountain Foundation (TMF) in South Phoenix seeks to empower communities to better themselves from within. Central to this concept is asset-based community development that builds on existing strengths and brings individuals, associations, and institutions together to realize and develop their potential.

Urban agriculture and landscaping are central to the TMF mission. They are renowned for working with formerly incarcerated individuals and hardened persons exhibiting high-risk behaviors. TFM provides applied mentoring that teaches participants how to work in their community gardens (Garden of Tomorrow, Spaces of Opportunity Garden) and on their landscaping crews. Produce is sold at local farmers markets. Specialty crops are grown for area restaurants. Landscaping services are provided to local residents and businesses. Special emphasis is placed on developing a strong work ethic, strengthening entrepreneurial knowledge, and improving financial literacy.

In addition to producing sustainable food for the local economy and creating a sense of community, TMF is credited with launching more than 1,000 entrepreneurs in various businesses.

Vertical Harvest

Vertical Harvest is dedicated to growing fresh local food and jobs in urban communities.” So reads the banner on the company’s website. Operating in the heart of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the firm operates in a three-story, state-of-the-art, hydroponic greenhouse that grows 100,000 pounds of produce each year. That’s equivalent to the food yield on ten acres of traditional farmland. This allows the company to grow produce year-round despite the challenges posed by Wyoming’s harsh winters.

Locally-grown, fresh vegetables are sold to Jackson area restaurants, grocery stores, and directly to consumers at MARKET @ Vertical Harvest. This direct farmer to consumer retail store is located in their greenhouse facility. Patrons also have the option of purchasing locally crafted foods and gifts from around the Jackson Hole area.

Best of all, Vertical Harvest collaborates with Cultivate Ability to produce jobs, internships, and educational opportunities for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities. The work of more than 15 local Wyoming residents with disabilities is organized under the tenets of Customized Employment, signifying an employee/employer relationship that meets the needs of both parties.

The company fields inquiries from cities around the world and plans to develop seven greenhouses in different locations around the country in during the next five years. The first greenhouse expansion project is scheduled to open in Fall 2020.

Sustainable Communities Innovation Challenge

In Summer 2019, Vertical Harvest was awarded a $500,000 contract through Fannie Mae’s Sustainable Communities Innovation Challenge. The open competition is part of a two-year, $10 million commitment by Fannie Mae to generate innovative ideas that address the nation’s affordable housing crisis. Contract awardees were chosen to create housing opportunities that are safe, sustainable, and affordable.

Vertical Harvest’s proposal calls for the preparation of a feasibility study that explores the potential for vertical farms at affordable housing developments in Metro Chicago. The goal is to improve food security and nutrition, while promoting holistic community wellness. Determining which greenhouse model can be integrated into the developments, and what products best serve the Midwest’s largest metropolis, will be focal points. The study will also look at complementary programs that might be incorporated into greenhouses and provide additional community benefits. Reports indicate the feasibility study will be completed in Summer 2021.

Each of these urban agriculture initiatives hold the promise of reconnecting the farmer and consumer, while making a positive impact on society.


2020 Economic Development Week

2020 Economic Development WeekPhoto by IEDC

2020 Economic Development Week is the brainchild of former Board Chair, Barry Matherly, International Economic Development Council (IEDC). Conceived in 2016, IEDC states the purpose of Economic Development Week is to “increase awareness of local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities and increase the quality of life in communities everywhere.” More than 450 campaigns have been created throughout the U.S. and Canada in the past four years, generating millions of impressions, hundreds of news stories, blog entries, videos, events and other marketing endeavors.

Economic Development Week is May 4-9, 2020. This year’s events happen to fall in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, quarantines, social distancing practices, and the Great Lockdown. So how have economic development organizations chosen to celebrate the importance of economic development this year? The ED Advisor takes a look at national, international, state, and regional activities from the Arizona perspective.  

National / International

International Economic Development Council

IEDC is offering free webinars and salon discussions throughout the week (register at iedconline.org/EDW). Here is the lineup on their calendar:

May 4: “How to Fund Your Organization Through the Pandemic and Beyond” (Webinar)

May 4: “Partnerships on a Regional Level” (Salon Discussion)

May 5: “Reinforce Your Small Businesses and Commercial Districts” (Webinar)

May 5: “Economic Development on a State / Provincial Level (Salon Discussion)

May 6: “Rethinking BR&E in the COVID-19 Era” (Webinar)

May 6: “Workforce Engagement” (Salon Discussion)

May 7: “#EconDev Talks: Answers (I’m an Economic Developer, Ask Me Anything)

May 7: “Emerging Entities in Economic Development” (Salon Discussion)

Available for download is the 2020 Economic Development Week Toolkit that offers suggestions on how to build hype in community — letters to the editor of newspapers, press release templates, sample artwork and social media posts — among other ideas.


Arizona Association for Economic Development

The Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED) has prepared their own 2020 Economic Development Week Toolkit, which includes mini-interviews, webinars, resources, and features Arizona communities on their social media channels and website. This year’s theme is “Resilient Arizona Communities.” First mini-interviews out of the chute feature Mignonne D. Hollis, Executive Director, Arizona Regional Economic Development Foundation; and John Heiney, Head of Communications, Economic Development, and Tourism, City of Prescott. Other mini-interviews and a webinar are scheduled later in the week.

The Greater Phoenix In Business article “Join Economic Development Week, May 4-9” shares information about AAED’s 2020 Economic Development Week initiatives.

Metro Phoenix

Greater Phoenix Economic Council

The Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) kicked off Economic Development Week with a video on their Facebook page that features GPEC President, Chris Camacho. Other Facebook posts, such as “What is Economic Development?” helps readers learn more about economic development in Greater Phoenix. GPEC’s posts are linked to the #EconDevWeek, #EDW2020, #GreaterPHX, and #GreaterPHXTogether landing pages.

Competing Campaigns

There are plenty of opportunities for other state, regional and local economic development organizations in Arizona to leverage Economic Development Week promotions in future years. Now is the time to incorporate EDW activities in annual marketing strategies for FY 2020-2021. When formulating plans, be mindful of competing campaigns that are looking to share the public relations spotlight.

National Community Development Week

National Community Development Week is April 13-17, 2020. It precedes 2020 Economic Development Week by less than one month. Created in 1986, National Community Development Week provides an opportunity to highlight the impact of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships programs in a week long celebration with Congress, program partners, program participants, and the public. The National Community Development Association published the NCDW Toolkit to help communities with the planning and implementation of their National CD Week activities. When promoting community and economic development, it is important to recognize and understand the strategic relationship between these distinct but interrelated and interdependent roles.

National Travel and Tourism Week

National Travel and Tourism Week is May 3-9, 2020. It celebrates the contributions of the U.S. travel industry during Economic Development Week. Travel and tourism professionals publicize how their businesses create jobs, bring new money into the region, and diversify the local economic base. Like similar campaigns, the U.S. Travel Association provides a NTTW Tool Kit, social media graphics, LinkedIn cover photos, talking points and other resources.   

Two years ago, Mayor Jenn Daniels proclaimed May 12-18, 2018, Economic Development and Travel and Tourism Week in Gilbert, Arizona. National Economic Development Week, hosted by IEDC, and National and Travel and Tourism Week, hosted by the U.S. Travel Association, were promoting separate campaigns that aimed to celebrate the value that each respective line of service adds to communities around the world. The Gilbert Office of Economic Development saw the value of combining forces and spoke to the ability of both service lines to enhance the quality of life for residents, create jobs and economic opportunity, and enhance wealth in their community. This is a prime example of how to merge the interests of economic development, travel and tourism stakeholders.

For creative marketing, competitive positioning is about how you’ll “differentiate” your campaign and create value for your constituents. At the same time, competing campaigns can serve as a dynamic benchmarking tool that allows your organization to shine, develop win-win partnerships, or at the very least, utilize reverse engineering tactics to improve your marketing strategy.


If You Pay Them, They Will Come

Photo by Morgan Lane on Unsplash

If you pay them, they will come.

According to Global Workplace Analytics, there are 5 million remote workers in the U.S., which makes up 3.6% of the workforce. Moreover, remote work has grown 173% since 2005, some 11% faster than the rest of the workforce and nearly 47 times faster than the self-employed population. This is before the COVID-19 pandemic took effect. At the same time, there are 44.7 million borrowers with a total student loan debt of $1.64 trillion, far in excess of total credit card debt and auto loans. Community leaders at the forefront of attracting talent are taking note. They’re offering incentives to attract and retain skilled workers as part of their economic and workforce development efforts.

Local and state programs that pay people to move include:

Vermont Remote Worker Grant Program

Starting in 2019, Vermont’s Remote Worker Grant Program offered $10,000 over two years to eligible, out-of-state remote workers who are willing to relocate to the “Green Mountain State.” Civic leaders recognized the state’s population is aging faster than the rest of the U.S. (Vermont has the third highest median age at 42.7 years, compared to the national average of 37.8 years). Each qualifying new resident receives $5,000 a year, which can be put towards their actual relocation costs or employment-related expenses (computers software/hardware, broadband access/upgrade, membership in a co-working or similar work space).

The Vermont Legislature allocated $500,000 in grant funding, which was completely disbursed to program recipients by year’s end. Applications are not being accepted for 2020, while the Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) and Legislature take a step back to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Stay tuned for updates.

Tulsa Remote

Another standout in the movement to attract remote workers is Tulsa Remote. Launched in November 2018 by the George Kaiser Family Foundation, the program is looking for 250 additional remote workers this year. Approved applicants receive $10,000 that is split between relocation expenses and a monthly stipend, with the remainder paid at the end of the first year. Participants also receive a one-year membership at a local co-working space, assistance with securing suitable housing, and community-building opportunities. Tulsa’s exceptionally low cost of living, short commutes, and affordable housing are major assets and offer a competitive advantage in comparison to other major cities.

Live Detroit

Several years ago, Live Detroit offered new residents up to $20,000 in the form of a forgivable loan that would go towards purchasing their primary residence. Eligible applicants needed to locate in Downtown Detroit or one of several neighborhoods in the central business district. They were also required to work for a specific company. The program ended in 2016, but the Downtown Detroit Partnership recently announced it is working on the next iteration of programming and expects to launch a revamped initiative in 2020.

Choose Topeka Talent Initiative

Approved in December 2019, the Choose Topeka Talent Initiative provides up to $15,000 for prospective home buyers and $10,000 for renters signing a one-year lease for relocating to their community. “Choose Topeka was created with the intention of investing in employees to live and work in Topeka and Shawnee County, so that we may foster an ‘intentional community,’ one of community support builders,” writes the Greater Topeka Partnership. Choose Topeka matches employer funds for people who are willing to live and work in the state capital. The financial rewards are sweetened with gift cards to local restaurants and attractions, discount memberships to gyms, and other incentives.

Kansas Rural Opportunity Zones

You can choose to live in one of 77 Kansas Rural Opportunity Zones that offer the following incentives to new residents: (1) Kansas state income tax waivers for up to five years (sunsets in 2021); and (2) Student loan repayments up to $15,000 over 5 years.

Opportunity Maine Tax Credit

Relocate to Maine and the State will reimburse your student loan payments through the Opportunity Maine Tax Credit. Out-of-state workers must have earned their bachelors or associates degrees after 2015 in order to qualify for this benefit, which points to a target audience of young workers. Existing residents who earned a degree after 2007 and before 2016 from a Maine school also qualify for the tax credit. Generally speaking, workers are able to deduct the total amount of money they paid in student loans for the year from their state income tax bill.

Newton Housing Initiative

For single-family homes built in 2020 and 2021 (valued at $180,000+), the City of Newton Housing Initiative provides a $10,000 cash incentive and “Get to Know Newton” Welcome Package. Homes valued between $100,000 – $180,000 qualify for a $5,000 cash incentive.

Downtown Housing Incentive Program

The City of Niagara Falls Downtown Housing Incentive Program is willing to help qualified applicants pay their student loans — up to $6,984 over a period of two years. Applicants must be willing to live in the Downtown Niagara Falls target area, which is in walking distance of Niagara Falls State Park and the Niagara Gorge.

Come Home Award

In Michigan, the Community Foundation of St. Clair sponsors the Come Home Award program. The Foundation seeks to reverse the region’s talent drain by offering recent Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math (STEAM) graduates up to $15,000 to help pay off remaining student debt. Approved applicants are required to secure a job or create their own business within 120 days of receiving the award.


North Platte, Nebraska offers local employers up to $5,000 in matching funds to recruit new talent. Qualifying worker incentives for WORKNP.com include relocation expenses, down payments or deposits, equipment purchases, help with student loan repayment, specialized training certificates, and other expenses.

Fueling the relocation competition are labor force statistics and general demographic trends. People are flocking to the Sunbelt — most notably in states like Arizona, Florida, and Texas — and locating in cities like Phoenix, Miami, and Dallas. They’re moving from the Northeast and Midwest in search of affordable housing and better job opportunities. This is consistent with the decades-long domestic migration pattern in the U.S., where moves to and from the South and West dominate. Hence, the advent of economic incentives in low-growth areas to enhance the availability of skilled workers, the site selector’s most important location criteria.

Editor’s Note: The U.S. Census Bureau provides data products on domestic migration at the state, regional, and county level. For more information, click on: America Counts.
